that if I'm going to spend time from my family on Thanksgiving Day, I'm going to spend it with some very special families.
I started the day with the T family as they move on to their next adventures. I've known them for many years from when my daughter cheered at the same gym as their girls, and their youngest babysat for us. Their youngest is now in college and their older 2 are living the life in the Big Apple after having finished their collegiate studies. Being invited to document all that was special in and around their house and neighborhood, particularly to the girls, was my pleasure and I had a great time!
Following that, I headed out to see the C family again, but with special guests, the Grandparents visiting for the holiday from Atlanta! More photos of Mr. T and this time some candid moments with his Grandparents whom he absolutely adores! And I guess you can see I adore Mr. T! What a great way to spend my day...and the bonus?
Coming home to a nicely fried turkey and no fire extinguisher required! My husband is an awesome cook and, I'm not. I'll leave that part to the expert and continue to be thankful for my family and those around me who surround me with love and enhance my life! Happy Thanksgiving!