Spring is here...or is it?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's pretty frustrating, this North Florida weather lately, isn't it? The pollen has been flying around, the rain  comes in, the cold and wind and then a teaser of a 'REAL' spring day---then we're running the heat again. Crazy weather!  I'm ready to take the camera out and capture some special moments, get a few cool snaps and take the 400 photo challenge.
What's the 400 photo challenge? Just taking out the camera and snapping 400 photos...even if it's 400 photos of the same person, but taking 400 photos in two hours. I'm up for the challenge but the weather hasn't been cooperating and that's a total bummer! Maybe I can this afternoon. I don't know. Lots on the plate but  I'm going to try.
In the meantime, here's a snap I grabbed this weekend of my friend's children.  Her daughter and mine used to cheer and tumble together years ago. After 5 years of competitive cheerleading, my daughter 'retired'.  Brittney is still competing and she's got mad skills now! So proud of her, and Brandon for coming to support her at the local compeition!


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