Tennis Team Time and Memorial Day

Monday, May 31, 2010

Let me tell you about my friend Ginny (3rd from the left)---she's amazing! She's a mom, a wife, an Officer in the Naval Reserves JAG, a school volunteer, Girl Scout Leader for two troops and the mother of one of my daughter's best friends.  Oh! And in between all of that and the endless other things which fill Ginny's days, she also plays on a tennis team. She asked that I come and capture some group shots of her her team to commemorate the end of the season.  These brightly dressed ladies practice and play matches several times throughout the week and in this crazy Florida heat! How about those great, bright tennis tops?

In honor of Memorial Day, I thank her for her service and am grateful for those who serve, have served, support those who serve and who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks to my twin sister Hilary (Full Time Air Force Reservesin San Antonio, TX), baby sister just promoted to Air Force Captain Pilot Kira Reyes stationed in Ramstein, Germany and baby brother, newly promoted Air Force 1st Lieutenant Kai Reyes stationed in Valdosta, GA.

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